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Nightguards in Coral Gables, FL

Teeth grinding, also known as bruxism, is mostly related to stress and anxiety. You might be grinding your teeth at night while sleeping and may not even know it. However, if you wake up to painful jaws, headaches, etc., that could be the signs of bruxism. One of the most effective ways of preventing teeth grinding is wearing customized nightguards. You can wear these mouth appliances on your upper and lower teeth to prevent them from coming together. It will help to reduce the effects of teeth grinding and also help you get rid of the pain.

Comprehensive Oral Evaluation & X-Rays (D0150 & D0210)

What are the symptoms of teeth grinding?

The warning signs which indicate that you might be affected by teeth-grinding issues are:
If you have any of the above symptoms, it is advisable that you visit your dentist in Coral Gables, Florida, and get a high-quality customized nightguard.

Is it safe to sleep with a nightguard?

Nightguards are specially customized to protect your teeth while you are sleeping. They help protect your teeth’ surface from the effects of grinding and can prevent several other conditions like sleep apnea and snoring. Wearing the nightguards might feel weird initially, but slowly your mouth will adjust to it. They are completely safe and designed to give you a peaceful sleep.

Getting nightguards in Coral Gables, Florida

If you think you have teeth grinding, sleep apnea, or snoring issues, you can get customized nightguards at our dental office in Coral Gables, FL. Our experienced dentist will customize your dental appliance to fit you comfortably. To know more, give us a call at (305) 444-8591.