Dentist in Coral Gables FL

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All-on-Four Dental Implant in Coral Gables, FL

All-on-Four dental implants are a type of dental implant that is used to replace a full arch of missing teeth. These implants are designed to provide a permanent solution for people who have lost all or most of their natural teeth. They are a popular alternative to traditional dentures or bridges because they offer a more stable and comfortable fit, and they are also more natural-looking.

All-on-Four dental implants consist of four implant posts surgically inserted into the jawbone. These posts serve as the foundation for a full arch of replacement teeth. Once the implant posts are in place, a temporary set of teeth is attached. After a period of healing, the temporary teeth are replaced with a permanent set of teeth custom-made by our dentist in Coral Gables, FL, to match the patient’s natural teeth.


Comprehensive Oral Evaluation & X-Rays (D0150 & D0210)

What are the benefits?

Who are the candidates?

While All-on-Four dental implants are a highly effective solution for replacing missing teeth, they are unsuitable for everyone. Patients with significant bone loss or other dental problems may not be good candidates for this procedure. Additionally, All-on-Four dental implants are a major surgery, and patients should be prepared for a period of recovery after the procedure.

Getting All-on-Four dental implants in Coral Gables, FL

In conclusion, All-on-Four dental implants are a popular and effective option for replacing a full arch of missing teeth. They are designed to provide a permanent solution for patients who have lost all or most of their natural teeth. These implants are more comfortable, stable, and natural-looking than traditional dentures or bridges, and they also require less bone than traditional dental implants. Contact us at (305) 444-8591 to know more about the procedure.