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LANAP in Coral Gables, FL

LANAP (Laser Assisted New Attachment Procedure) is a cutting-edge treatment for periodontal (gum) disease that uses a laser to remove diseased tissue and promote new tissue growth. This procedure is minimally invasive, which means it causes less pain and discomfort than traditional periodontal surgery. It is also highly effective, with a success rate of up to 98%. Periodontal disease is a serious oral health condition that affects the gums and the bones supporting the teeth. It is caused by bacteria that form plaque and tartar on the teeth, which can cause inflammation and infection in the gums. Periodontal disease can lead to tooth loss and other serious health problems if left untreated.

Comprehensive Oral Evaluation & X-Rays (D0150 & D0210)

What are the benefits of this treatment?

Traditionally, periodontal disease was treated with scaling and root planing, which involves removing plaque and tartar from the teeth and smoothing the roots to help the gums reattach to the teeth. However, this procedure can be painful and uncomfortable and often requires multiple dentist visits.

LANAP offers a more effective and comfortable alternative to scaling and root planning. The procedure uses a laser to remove diseased tissue from the gums and the pockets around the teeth. The laser also sterilizes the area, killing bacteria and promoting healing.

The recovery time for LANAP is also faster than traditional periodontal surgery. Most patients can return to their normal activities the day after the procedure. In addition, LANAP has a very high success rate, with up to 98% of patients reporting improvement in their periodontal health. And in many cases, LANAP can save teeth that would have otherwise been extracted.

Who are the candidates for LANAP?

It’s important to note that LANAP is only suitable for some patients. It is typically recommended for patients with mild to moderate periodontal disease who are not good candidates for traditional periodontal surgery.

LANAP may be right for you if you have periodontal disease and are looking for a more comfortable and effective treatment option.

Getting LANAP in Coral Gables, Florida

However, it’s always best to consult a dentist in Coral Gables, Florida, to determine the best treatment for your specific case. They will advise you on whether LANAP is appropriate for you and, if not, recommend alternative options that may be more suitable for your needs. To know more, call us at (305) 444-8591.